Start Time: 8:00 AM CST
1 Cup Orange Juice
3 Cups of Black Coffee
1 Cream Cheese and Grape Jelly Sandwich on Whole Wheat Toast
1 Slice of Wheat Toast w/ Butter & Strawberry Jam
1 Cup of Coffee w/ Milk
1 Potato, Egg, & Cheese Breakfast Taco
1 Hunk of Banana Walnut Bread
2 Links of Beef Sausage
1 Serving of Brisket w/ BBQ Sauce
1 Side of Potato Salad
1 Side of Ranch Style Beans
1 Quartered Pickle Spear
2 Slices of White Bread
1 Strawberry Lolipop
1 Lemonade Vitamin Water
1 Plate of Huevos Rancheros con Frijoles w/ Corn Tortilla
1 Unsweetened Iced Tea
2 Cups of Yogi Bedtime Tea
End Time: 12:30 AM CST
After being dissappointed by his plate of Huevos Rancheros from Jaime's Spanish Village Fine Mexican Food in downtown Austin, Wiley states, "If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em."
I'm trying to decide which looked more repulsive: the huevos rancheros in person or in the picture.
Do you have a tapeworm or something? How do you put all this food away and stay so thin? NO FAIR!
FOODMAN says: Think food and you'll never be without it.
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